1 minute read

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  Very Easy   Tier 0: Explosion  

[ What does the 3-letter acronym RDP stand for? ]

Remote Desktop Protocol

[ What is a 3-letter acronym that refers to interaction with the host through a command line interface? ]


[ What about graphical user interface interactions? ]


[ What is the name of an old remote access tool that came without encryption by default? ]


[ What is the concept used to verify the identity of the remote host with SSH connections? ]

Public-key Cryptography

[ What is the name of the tool that we can use to initiate a desktop projection to our host using the terminal? ]


[ What is the name of the service running on port 3389 TCP? ]

Let’s run a basic nmap scan on our target machine. We use -sC to load in standard scripts, -sV for version enumeration, -vv for increased verbosity and -T4 for increase aggressiveness:

sudo nmap -sC -sV -vv -T4


From the results, we can see that ms-wbt-server is running on port 3389.

[ What is the switch used to specify the target host’s IP address when using xfreerdp? ]


[ Submit root flag ]

Let’s log into the machine using xfreerdp:

xfreerdp /u:Administrator /v:

We use a commonly used username for Windows machines:


As for the password, let’s hope that password authentication is not enabled…


Nice, looks like we don’t actually need to input a password to login!

The root flag can be found on the desktop:
