[K3RN3LCTF 2021] 3in1
Attachments |
AES.py |
Contents of AES.py:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
f = open('progress.txt', 'r')
password = ("abda")
hash_obj = SHA256.new(password.encode('utf-8'))
hkey = hash_obj.digest()
def encrypt(info):
msg = info
PAD = "{"
padding = lambda s: s + (BLOCK_SIZE - len(s) % BLOCK_SIZE) * PAD
cipher = AES.new(hkey, AES.MODE_ECB)
result = cipher.encrypt(padding(msg).encode('utf-8'))
return result
msg = f.read()
cipher_text = encrypt(msg)
#Encrypted: b'\x1bkw\x00\x01#\x1dv\xd1\x1e\xfb\xba\xac_b\x02T\xfbZ\xca\xac8Y\\8@4\xba;\xe1\x11$\x19\xe8\x89t\t\xc8\xfd\x93\xd8-\xba\xaa\xbe\xf1\xa0\xab\x18\xa0\x12$\x9f\xdb\x08~\x81O\xf0y\xe9\xef\xc41\x1a$\x1cN3\xe8F\\\xef\xc1G\xeb\xdb\xa1\x93*F\x1b|\x1c\xec\xa3\x04\xbf\x8a\xd9\x16\xbc;\xd2\xaav6pWX\xc1\xc0o\xab\xd5V^\x1d\x11\xe4}6\xa4\x1b\\G\xd4e\xc2mP\xdb\x9b\x9f\xb0Z\xf12'
This challenge is very simple. All we have to do is to decrypt the ciphertext using AES and the password ‘abda’. We can use the AES module from PyCrytodome to do so:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
cipher_text = b'\x1bkw\x00\x01#\x1dv\xd1\x1e\xfb\xba\xac_b\x02T\xfbZ\xca\xac8Y\\8@4\xba;\xe1\x11$\x19\xe8\x89t\t\xc8\xfd\x93\xd8-\xba\xaa\xbe\xf1\xa0\xab\x18\xa0\x12$\x9f\xdb\x08~\x81O\xf0y\xe9\xef\xc41\x1a$\x1cN3\xe8F\\\xef\xc1G\xeb\xdb\xa1\x93*F\x1b|\x1c\xec\xa3\x04\xbf\x8a\xd9\x16\xbc;\xd2\xaav6pWX\xc1\xc0o\xab\xd5V^\x1d\x11\xe4}6\xa4\x1b\\G\xd4e\xc2mP\xdb\x9b\x9f\xb0Z\xf12'
password = ("abda")
hash_obj = SHA256.new(password.encode('utf-8'))
hkey = hash_obj.digest()
def decrypt(cipher_text):
cipher = AES.new(hkey, AES.MODE_ECB)
flag = cipher.decrypt(cipher_text)
Doing so reveals the following decrypted plaintext:
The plaintext contains two links:
The first link prompts us to download a WAV audio file. The audio itself sounds like gibberish and does not seem to contain any information or flags.
The second link prompts us to download a text file called hint.txt:
From the hint and considering the audio file that we have, I figured there was audio steganography at play here. One method of hiding data within audio files is hiding it within the spectrogram of the audio file.
(A spectrogram is a visual representation of the spectrum of frequencies that make up the audio waveform)
I loaded the audio file into Audacity and viewed the spectrogram:
And we have the flag!
Flag: flag{34sY_CH4LL3nGe_w1tH_3Xtr4_St3Ps}