[Starting Point] Tier 0: Preignition
Difficulty | IP Address | Room Link | ||||
Very Easy | | Tier 0: Preignition |
[ What is considered to be one of the most essential skills to possess as a Penetration Tester? ]
Dir Busting
[ What switch do we use for nmap’s scan to specify that we want to perform version detection ]
[ What service type is identified as running on port 80/tcp in our nmap scan? ]
Let’s run a basic nmap scan on our target. We use -sC
to load in standard scripts, -sV
for version enumeration, -vv
for increased verbosity and -T4
for increased aggressiveness:
sudo nmap -sC -sV -vv -T4
From the results, we can see that HTTP is running on port 80/tcp.
[ What service name and version of service is running on port 80/tcp in our nmap scan? ]
nmap also reveals that nginx 1.14.2 is running on port 80.
[ What is a popular directory busting tool we can use to explore hidden web directories and resources? ]
[ What switch do we use to specify to gobuster we want to perform dir busting specifically? ]
[ What page is found during our dir busting activities? ]
Let’s now run a Gobuster scan:
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -t 25
We’ll be using the common.txt wordlist from seclists.
Gobuster managed to find the admin.php page.
[ What is the status code reported by gobuster upon finding a successful page? ]
Status code: 200
[ Submit root flag ]
Let’s go ahead and visit
And we have a login page.
A common default credentials for such login pages is:
admin : admin
Let’s see if those creds work:
Nice! We managed to log in and are rewarded with the root flag.