1 minute read




Looks like we have a nice little OSINT challenge on our hands!

Note: This challenge is a continuation from Imp3rs0nAt0r-1, but we do not need to fully complete the first part in order to solve this challenge.

From Imp3rs0nAt0r-1, we managed to find the Github Page of the hacker, with username: nc-lnvp


I first tried checking if the username nc-lnvp existed on other services, such as Instagram and Facebook. I used tools like sherlock and nexfil, but there were no promising results.

Next, I did a thorough look-through of the hacker’s Github Repositories. Unfortunately, there was also nothing of interest.

After some time, I realized that the git log command actually reveals the email address of any Github user that pushes a commit to a repository!

To test this, I cloned the hello-world repository onto my local machine. Next, while in the repository, I ran:

git log


And we’ve found the email address of nc-lnvp:


We can use a nifty tool called GHunt to enumerate information that is associated with Gmail addresses:

python3 ghunt.py email nn9262186@gmail.com


With that, we have found the full name of the person who was behind the hacking operation:

pax vallejo

Flag: dam{pax_vallejo}